Hebammen-testen.de – Place your product authentically on the German market

That speaks in favour of Hebammen-testen.de:

registered midwives in the community

midwife contacts per month via social media

pregnant women and young families reached monthly via social media

open rate of our newsletter

trust through authentic tests by midwives

recommendation rate from our previous customers

Mustersiegel 2024 englisch

Further offers for your brand: reach exactly the right target group with midwives

Your way to more visibility and trust:

Rely on Hebammen-testen.de not only to receive valuable professional feedback from experts, but also to gain the trust of parents. Our customised offers enable you to successfully position your brand and products in the midwifery community and thus build a lasting, trusting relationship with your direct B2C target group.

These and many other brands that rely on Hebammen-testen.de:

Aptamil Logo transparent
Philips Avent Logo neu freigestellt
KadeFungin Logo
WaterWipes neues Logo
lupilu Logo 700px
Logo der Marke HiPP
neues C&A Logo
Pampers Logo klein 700px
Logo Schriftzug Nuna Indigo

We look forward to receiving your message: kontakt@quatestio.com